Siomi’s flower


‎On Wednesday, July 20 (2022) we decided to taste the wines of Halix, located at 822 W Sprague Av, in the heart of downtown Spokane.‎

El miercoles 20 de julio (2022) decidimos probar los vinos de Halix, ubicado en la 822 W Sprague Av, en el corazón del downtown de Spokane.

‎During the spring and summer, downtown Spokane is teeming with flowers. Already at the beginning of autumn the flowers begin to die and are replaced by white snow, which reminds us a lot of the famous story of the late Álvarez Guedes about the Cuban who moved to Pennsylvania from Hialeah and could not withstand the winter.‎


Durante la primavera y el verano, el downtown de Spokane está repleto de flores.  Ya al comenzar el otoño las flores comienzan a morir y son reemplazadas por la blanca nieve, lo que nos recuerda mucho el famoso cuento del fallecido Álvarez Guedes sobre el cubano que se mudó para Pensilvania desde Hialeah y no pudo aguantar el invierno.



The fact is that while Siomi was standing at the traffic light in Sprague with Lincoln, she was approached by a hippie with a beautiful red flower and gave it to her while assuring her that she was an adorable grandmother. In the video above he tells us the whole story.‎

El caso es que estando Siomi parada en el semáforo de Sprague con Lincoln, se le acercó un hippie con una bellísima flor roja y se la otorgó al tiempo que le aseguraba que era una abuelita adorable.  En el video de arriba nos echa toda la historia.


Jul 20th, 2022


1st Street Restaurante de Deer Park

…..Eating Prime Ribs

…..Mark & the story of the Bread Board

And God made a farmer

…..Hay bales

…..Hay roles

…..Harold Weger

At Marny Burdega’s home

 ….An endless train

…..Mike Burdega’s story

…..The Peace Corps

…..The Smoke Tree

At Spokane Int. Airport

…..Bev’s story

Bluff’s Edge

….Big Foot story

….Bluff’s Edge Temperature

…..Chemtrails over Deer Park

…..Finding Bluff’s Edge

…..From Bluff’s Edge to Burdega

…..Hummingbirds drinking fountain

…..Our suite

…..Siomi & Dick

…..Solar Cover Reel

…..Swallow nest

Breakfast in Deer Park

…..Daily Life Essentials


Cat Tales.
Chattaroy, Washington.
Clayton Rodeo – Rodeo de Clayton

……Davie, FL Rodeo


…..Dealey Plaza

…..Downtown Dallas

…..From Dallas to Spokane

…..From Ft. Lauderdale to Dallas

…..Farmers Market

…..John Neeley Bryan’s Cabin

…..Kennedy Memorial

…..Mandalay Canal Walk


…..Pioneer Plaza

…..Reunion Tower

…..Yellow Green Farmers Market

Dining at Erickson’s home

…..53 Years Ago – Everlasting friendship!

Ernie Peña & Family

…..Dinner at Peña’s

…..Drip irrigation

…..From Holynames Academy to Peña’s

Ft. Lauderdale Airport

…..Siomi’s Sacapiojos

Gasoline prices – Precios de la gasolina

…..In Fort Lauderdale

…..In Spokane

Granite Point at Loon Lake
Mt. Spokane
Settlers Parade
Settlers Picnic

…..Deer Park High School Classmates

Siomi’s flower – La flor de Siomi





Touring Deer Park & Wild Rose

…..Burdega’s old home

…..Deer Park “new” Highschool

…..Deer Park Middle Sschool

…..Grandpa Hell’s old hardware store

…..Grandpa Hell’s old home

…..Grandpa & Grandma Losh’s old home

…..Grandpa Losh’s parents


…..Norman’s Tree

…..Norman & Beverly Losh’s first home

…..Our Catholic Church

…..Our Protestant Church

…..Weger’s Farm

…..Wild Rose Cemetery

…..Wild Rose old church & Fire Station


Trump Vs. Biden

…..Tea Party’s speech

…..Trump Won

Wine Tasting – Catando vino


…..St. Augustine, FL – Winery.

Yoke’s Supermarket

…..Deer Park Yoke’s

 …..Expresso at Mead Yoke’s


…..Our first female tattoo

 …..Siomi dream pan

Index of our trips

Robert Alonso Presenta

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