1st. Street Restaurant

When we visited Deer Park in 2018, we tried this delicious cut of meat – “Prime Rib” – and decided that on our return we would visit the “1st Street Restaurant” and order it again, fulfilling our wishes four years later.
Cuando visitamos Deer Park en 2018, probamos este delicioso corte de carne – “Prime Rib” – y quedamos en que a nuestro regreso visitaríamos el “1st Street Restaurant” y lo volveríamos a pedir, cumpliendo nuestros deseo cuatro años más tarde.

Prime Rib

A standing rib roast, also known as prime rib, is a cut of beef from the primal rib, one of the nine primal cuts of beef. While the entire rib section comprises ribs six through 12, a standing rib roast may contain anywhere from two to seven ribs.
Un asado de costilla de pie, también conocido como costilla de primera, es un corte de carne de res de la costilla primaria, uno de los nueve cortes primarios de carne de res. Mientras que toda la sección de costillas comprende costillas de seis a 12, un asado de costillas de pie puede contener de dos a siete costillas.

It is most often roasted “standing” on the rib bones so that the meat does not touch the pan. An alternative cut removes the top end of the ribs for easier carving.

La mayoría de las veces se asa “de pie” en los huesos de las costillas para que la carne no toque la sartén. Un corte alternativo elimina el extremo superior de las costillas para facilitar el tallado.

Rib-eye steaks are cut from a standing rib, boned with most of the fat and lesser muscles removed.  While often referred to as “prime rib”, the USDA does not require the cut to be derived from USDA Prime grade beef.

Los filetes de rib-eye se cortan de una costilla de pie, deshuesados con la mayor parte de la grasa y los músculos menores eliminados.  Si bien a menudo se lo conoce como “costilla principal”, el USDA no requiere que el corte se derive de la carne de res de primera calidad del USDA.

A slice of standing rib roast will include portions of the so-called “eye” of the rib, as well as the outer, fat-marbled muscle (spinalis dorsi) known as the “cap.” The traditional preparation for a standing rib roast is to rub the outside of the roast with salt and seasonings and slow roast with dry heat. It also may be grilled.

Una rebanada de costilla de pie asada incluirá porciones del llamado “ojo” de la costilla, así como el músculo externo jaspeado de grasa (spinalis dorsi) conocido como la “tapa”. La preparación tradicional para un asado de costilla de pie es frotar el exterior del asado con sal y condimentos y asar lentamente con calor seco. También se puede asar a la parrilla.


Eating “Prime Rib” in 2018
What is now known as the “1st Street Restaurant” in Deer Park was – originally – the “Bread Board” of the Losh family.  The story is a bit sad.  On this trip we managed to get Mark Losh to tell it.
Lo que hoy se conoce como “1st Street Restaurant” en Deer Park, fue – originalmente – el “Bread Board” de la familia Losh.  La historia es un tanto triste.  En este viaje logramos que Mark Losh nos la contara.
First Street Bar & Grill
122 W 1st Street, Deer Park, WA  99006


1st Street Restaurante de Deer Park

…..Eating Prime Ribs

…..Mark & the story of the Bread Board

And God made a farmer

…..Hay bales

…..Hay roles

…..Harold Weger

At Marnie Burdega’s home

 ….An endless train

…..Mike Burdega’s story

…..The Peace Corps

…..The Smoke Tree

At Spokane Int. Airport

…..Bev’s story

Bluff’s Edge

….Big Foot story

….Bluff’s Edge Temperature

…..Chemtrails over Deer Park

…..Finding Bluff’s Edge

…..From Bluff’s Edge to Burdega

…..Hummingbirds drinking fountain

…..Our suite

…..Siomi & Dick

…..Solar Cover Reel

…..Swallow nest

Breakfast in Deer Park

…..Daily Life Essentials


Cat Tales.
Chattaroy, Washington.
Clayton Rodeo – Rodeo de Clayton

……Davie, FL Rodeo


…..Dealey Plaza

…..Downtown Dallas

…..From Dallas to Spokane

…..From Ft. Lauderdale to Dallas

…..Farmers Market

…..John Neeley Bryan’s Cabin

…..Kennedy Memorial

…..Mandalay Canal Walk


…..Pioneer Plaza

…..Reunion Tower

…..Yellow Green Farmers Market

Dining at Erickson’s home

…..53 Years Ago – Everlasting friendship!

Ernie Peña & Family

…..Dinner at Peña’s

…..Drip irrigation

…..From Holynames Academy to Peña’s

Ft. Lauderdale Airport

…..Siomi’s Sacapiojos

Gasoline prices – Precios de la gasolina

…..In Fort Lauderdale

…..In Spokane

Granite Point at Loon Lake
Mt. Spokane
Settlers Parade
Settlers Picnic

…..Deer Park High School Classmates

Siomi’s flower – La flor de Siomi





Touring Deer Park & Wild Rose

…..Burdega’s old home

…..Deer Park “new” Highschool

…..Deer Park Middle Sschool

…..Grandpa Hell’s old hardware store

…..Grandpa Hell’s old home

…..Grandpa & Grandma Losh’s old home

…..Grandpa Losh’s parents


…..Norman’s Tree

…..Norman & Beverly Losh’s first home

…..Our Catholic Church

…..Our Protestant Church

…..Weger’s Farm

…..Wild Rose Cemetery

…..Wild Rose old church & Fire Station


Trump Vs. Biden

…..Tea Party’s speech

…..Trump Won

Wine Tasting – Catando vino


…..St. Augustine, FL – Winery.

Yoke’s Supermarket

…..Deer Park Yoke’s

 …..Expresso at Mead Yoke’s


…..Our first female tattoo

 …..Siomi dream pan

Index of our trips

Robert Alonso Presenta

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