Tucker Carlson

Dear Tucker

My wife Siomi and I fled Cuba with our parents. She at the age of 4 and I at 11. We both went into exile in Venezuela, where we founded a family with our four children.

In 1972, while studying in West Berlin, I joined what was later called “The War Through the Roads of the World”, confronting the interests of the Fidel Castro’s regime throughout our planet.

In 1989 we moved to a farm called “Daktari”, 30 km from the capital city of Caracas, in Venezuela, where our two oldest children grew up and the other two were born.

In 2003 I began to promote a non-violent strategy of civic resistance called “La Guarimba”, which consisted of blocking the greatest number of intersections in all the big cities and towns of Venezuela, in order to take physical control of the country. “La Guarimba” was implemented, for the first time, in February 27, 2004 and was neutralized, under the deception of those who in Venezuela could be considered “rinos”, on March 7, when the communist regime of Chavez was reeling and ready to fall.

To promote “La Guarimba”, we had more than 70,000 electronic mailboxes to which we wrote daily and several times a day. To call the citizens to take action, in an indirect (very direct) way, I made the call through the most popular opposition program on Venezuelan television at the time: “Grado 33”.

A new “Guarimba”

In 2009 we almost implemented a second “Guarimba”.  When Chavez found about our plans, he threatened his staff, from his vice-president downwards, through his Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, the heads of the repressive forces, etc., with dismissing them all if they allowed a next “Guarimba”.  We did it again in 2014, one year after Chavez’ death.

As a result of “La Guarimba” in 2004, I was forced to flee from Venezuela in what would be my second exile, and I settled with my family in the city of Miami, where I continued haranguing the Venezuelan people in an effort to free my then-second homeland. Today we are all American citizens.

On May 9th, 2004, the communist regime of Hugo Chavez took our home, “La Finca Daktari” by force, and turned it to dust and rubble, massacring more than 30 human beings who worked there, including our two foster children, aged 12 and 10, who were slaughtered with blunt machetes, ISIS style. All our animals (more than 70 among horses, dogs, etc), suffered the same fate.  It took us 15 years to build our home: the communist regime destroyed it in one week!

Destruction of our home – “Daktari”

Extradition Request

The government will request the extradition of Robert Alonso

When Chavez found out that I was in exile in the United States, he requested my extradition.  Thanks to a sentence from an immigration judge, based on the “Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment”,  I was able obtain political asylum to stay in the Unites States and later obtain my American citizenship.


On October 2007, the weekly Miami New Times interviewed my wife and I, where you can find more information about our odyssey along the way in search for our nations’ freedom.

2008 Electoral Campaign


In the McCain Vs. Obama electoral campaign, I accompanied the candidate through several states bordering with Mexico, alerting Hispanic voters about the danger that the victory of Barack Hussein Obama II posed for the United States.

The closing of that campaign, at a national level, took place in Miami and I had the honor of introducing the candidate to hear his speech. Later, when McCain became more “obamist” than Obama himself, I publicly broke my relationship with the then-senator.

In addition to this incident, I discovered that his wife (now a widow), Cindy Lou, was (or is) a partner of a Brazilian businessman in a brewery in Cuba, for the consumption of tourists. Fidel Castro even granted her a “protocol house” in the most exclusive area of ​​Havana. I had the opportunity to discuss it with the late-late McCain, who replied me that he didn’t meddle in his wife’s business. I was sleeping with the enemy.

2012 Tea Party Conference


In 2012 I was very active traveling through various states of the Union, alerting my American brothers about the danger of continuing with the Obama administration, warning – also – the trap of electoral processes, manipulated and administered by the enemy through machines, electronic devices and the complicity of traitors: the so-called “rinos”.


Preview of “Why we are about to lose the USA

That same year, 2012, I began to write a book entitled “Why we are about to lose the United States to The Claws of Fabianism” but decided to wait for greater events, which are taking total and absolute shape as a result Biden-Harris’ “victory”.  When finished, I will publish it FREELY in my website.

2014 CNN Interview

In 2014, we managed to raise the Venezuelan people again with “La Guarimba”, but the media, both national and international, began to neutralize it. Fernando del Rincón, from CNN en Español, interviewed me, which gave me the opportunity to denounce how the media – both national and international –  was looking out for their interests. It was the last time CNN interviewed me.

“Do not Mess with my Kids”


As you may have seen in the opening video, my wife and I experienced a terrible déjà vu seeing how the new Biden-Harris regime in our country (the U.S.A.) is enacting around the educational system at both levels: state and federal. What really caught our attention was that these postulates of indoctrination are being carried out immediately, something that did not happen in Cuba or in Venezuela, where the aforementioned regimes took their time to mature the scenario before generalizing indoctrination in schools, and from the earliest age, the most important years in the education of human beings.

Thus, together with a group of Venezuelans, Cubans and Nicaraguans who have made life in the United States, we decided to create “Don’t Mess With My Kids Movement” and spread it nationwide, for which we ask for your collaboration and that of many other influential personalities and organizations within the conservative wing of this country.

It should be noted that this movement WILL NOT REQUEST DONATIONS, to avoid participating in what my father (RIP) called “the counter-revolution industry“, in which many became millionaires receiving funds to liberate both Cuba and Venezuela.

Our “fight” would be in the streets and, above all, exerting pressure by us to our elected officials, for which your help would be extremely important.  Please take a look at our campaing.


Click to review our campaign

February 19th, 2021 – Tucker Carlson’ Show

Sincerely yours,

Miami February 23, 2021

Robert Alonso

Twitter: @Maestro_May9r

Email: [email protected]

  * I just created this new account since Twitter suspended my original one

Copy to members of House Freedom Caucus & Others

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