Onalaska was built around the inland mill established by the Carlisle Lumber Company in 1909. At its peak in 1929, company inventory numbered over 20 million board feet of lumber — enough to stretch all the way to the Panama Canal.
The company’s surviving 225-foot smokestack near Carlisle Lake was built approximately in 1920, and is the last trace of one of the most successful mid-sized sawmills in Washington state. In May 2021, the site was listed to the Washington Heritage Register by the Washington State Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.
The mill employed a sizeable number of Japanese and Japanese Americans. They lived north of today’s State Route 508 and east of Carlisle Avenue. The streets, which ran parallel to Carlisle Avenue were called Oriental Avenue, Nippon Avenue and Tokyo Avenue.
According to Onalaska, a history of the Carlisle Lumber Company by Vic Kucera, the 1940 census showed 62 people of Japanese descent living in Lewis County. Because of their experience in the mill, the local Japanese Americans were forced to relocate to Camp Tulelake in California to help with its construction, Kucera writes. The Army relied on their labor to finish the camp where they were subsequently interned for the duration of WWII.
The Lewis County Museum in Chehalis has an exhibit honoring the Japanese and Japanese American internees. In 2014, Governor Jay Inslee awarded $20,000 to Onalaska Wood Energy during his Climate Tour that year and praised the company as “one of the leaders in biofuel technology.” By 2020, the company had left 100,000 gallons of hazardous waste and in 2021 the EPA started an emergency $0.9 million cleanup, shipping the waste by truck and railroad to Idaho and Utah.
xxxxxxxxxx On our way to Centralia
xxxxxxxxxx Shopping at Safeway
xxxxxxxxxx Holy Water
xxxxxxxxxx Flip Wilson’s routine
xxxxxxxxxx At Beverly’s
xxxxxxxxxx On our way to Snohomish
xxxxxxxxxx Marky’s home in Snohomish
xxxxxxxxxx How the Loshes found Bob
xxxxxxxxxx Making Cuban Coffee
xxxxxxxxxx Sharpening Marky’s knife
xxxxxxxxxx Helen, Georgia
xxxxxxxxxx German restaurant in Florida
xxxxxxxxxx Colonia Tovar in Venezuela
xxxxxxxxxx Chonchita’s home
xxxxxxxxxx Rosario Beach
xxxxxxxxxx Deception Pass
xxxxxxxxxx On our way to Coupeville
xxxxxxxxxx Visiting Coupeville
xxxxxxxxxx Lunch at Shary
xxxxxxxxxx At Sharon’s
xxxxxxxxxx At the Bower’s
xxxxxxxxxx Old photos from Deer Park
xxxxxxxxxx Dennis Basketball Team
xxxxxxxxxx Onalaska General Store
xxxxxxxxxx I ain’t gone give nobody
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnone of my jolly roll
xxxxxxxxxx Nena Marinelli’s version
xxxxxxxxxx Emma Barrett’s version
xxxxxxxxxx New Orleans
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxStompers’ version
xxxxxxxxxx Monroe Road
xxxxxxxxxx Wild Rose Cemetery
xxxxxxxxxx Loshes’ Old Home
xxxxxxxxxx Sunflower field I
xxxxxxxxxx Sunflower field II
xxxxxxxxxx Wheat field
xxxxxxxxxx Entering Deer Park
xxxxxxxxxx Driving around Deer Park
xxxxxxxxxx Main Street Deer Park
xxxxxxxxxx Deer Park Hish School
xxxxxxxxxx 1st. Street Restaurant
xxxxxxxxxx Shopping at Yoke’s