For several years we were customers of AT&T’s “Digital Life” service. If the smoke alarm sounded, a few seconds later they called us from the company and if we did not answer within minutes the firefighters were here to help us.
Years passed and AT&T sold “Digital Life” to Brinks Home Security and that’s where our hell began. AT&T simply let us know that Digital Life was now in the hands of Brinks Home Security. No contract was mentioned, much less for three years.
Brinks Home Security turned out to be a scam. To begin with, we had three cameras installed with AT&T and when Brinks Home Security came to change the system, they only installed two, claiming the technician that they had not given him the third camera for our home. He agreed to return the following week to instal the third camera, but he never did. Brinks Home Security billed us for three cameras.
You have to be totally crazy to have enrolled in the Brinks Home Security system. To begin with, users have capacity for only 1000 clips, with an option to enlarge that capacity to 1500 clips. The problem is that if a car passes, a neighbor walks or any other movement occurs in front of one of the cameras, there goes a clip. In short, we used the 1000 clips in the first week of the service.
But that’s NOT ALL. Every time the cameras detect a movement, it generates a message that arrives in our electronic mailbox. Consequently, hundreds of electronic messages (emails) came to our account EVERY DAY. There is NO WAY to keep Brinks Home Security from sending us emails every time a camera detects a movement.
No Respond
To finish the story, we did a test by sounding the smoke alarm and never received a call from Brinks: nor did the firefighters arrive.
We made it clear that we were refusing the service and were told that we had a 36-month contract (?). Now they are threatening us to pass us over to the credit bureau, because we refuse to pay the bill. In fact, we disassembled the Brinks Home Security cameras and installed the system of another company where the clip capacity is infinite and the monthly cost much lower.
Threating Invoice
Below, we publish the threatening invoice that came to us from Brinks Home Security.

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